Nana plaza rainbow bars closed

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If you decide to wonder off to the dark side and to Nana plaza this Halloween weekend you might discover that the Rainbow bars are closed. Not sure how long this will last but for sure it is more serious then the usual bar closures. The usual bribes and tips did not work this time as the story this time might include more then just Thai police.

The version of the story we have is directly from the some of the girls and mamasan from one of the Rainbow bars that was part of an undercover police operation involving foreign undercover officers. One or several undercover farang police officer went into one of the bars and barfined one girl that looked to him looked underage. He paid the barfine with marked bills and took the girl out. After that the girl admited to being underage to the police and after that the bars were raided the marked bills recovered and some of the staff and managers were locked up for a few days until bail was posted.

So what will happen next is unclear but seems that the usual pay off method is not working this time.

We will keep you updated if we find something else out.



UPDATE** The bar is now open again. First week or so was with different dancers but not it is all back to normal with same dancers and service girls.

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